Have you got fibroids? See a fibroid specialist in Perth.
Found out you have a fibroid? Don’t worry. Fibroids are common in women of reproductive age. As a fibroid specialist in Perth, I frequently see women with this condition.
Up to 70% of women will get a fibroid by the time they’re 50. Most cases are found between 30 and 40 years of age.
Fibroids are non-cancerous lumps of muscle tissue that grow inside the uterus. A muscle tissue divides and multiplies, then develops into a mass of cells.
The cause of fibroids is unknown, but oestrogen and progesterone contribute to their growth.

Fibroid Symptoms
Fibroids vary in size, location and symptoms. Some people with fibroids don’t have any symptoms, while others may experience:
Heavy or prolonged periods
Frequent urination
Pressure on bladder
Painful periods
Pain during sex
Lower back pain

Fibroid diagnosis
Fibroids are usually found through an ultrasound, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy or gynaecological examination. Otherwise, women might experience symptoms and find out they have a fibroid from their GP or Perth fibroid specialist.

Fibroid treatment
Treatment of fibroids depends on their size, position and symptoms.
If they’re not impacting negatively on your life, your gynaecologist may recommend leaving them alone.
Your gynaecologist may recommend hormone therapy to shrink the fibroid and prevent further growth.
Fibroid Removal
If your fibroid/s need to be removed, your fibroid specialist may conduct a procedure called a myomectomy. This can be done by laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) or laparotomy (larger incision) or hysteroscopy (removed from the inside of the uterus), depending on its size and location.
The removal of the uterus is sometimes indicated when fibroids significantly affect your quality of life.

Seeing a Perth fibroid specialist and gynaecologist
If you have a fibroid, you can discuss treatment options with your gynaecologist. As with many health concerns, every treatment has pros and cons. I help you find the decision you’re most comfortable with.